Petrol Mowers from MowDirect

  • 4 June 2021 4:57 pm


Petrol lawn mowers

Buying a petrol lawn mower will provide you with the greatest number of options as you will find models suitable for mowing lawns of all types and sizes. MowDIRECT has over 200 different petrol lawn mowers available and the choice can appear overwhelming at first glance, so here’s a quick guide to help narrow down your choice. – WHEN YOU HAVE A GOOD IDEA OF WHAT YOU ARE LOOKING FOR, VISIT THE WEBSITE LINK ABOVE FOR MORE DETAILED INFORMATION AND PRICES

First up, you’ll want to consider the type of petrol lawn mower best suited to your needs. If the last thing you enjoy doing on Saturday afternoon is mowing the lawn and your main priority is to get back inside to less strenuous tasks in front of the tv, consider a basic four wheel rotary lawn mower: their cheap, reliable and designed to get the job done fast. Self-propelled four wheel rotary lawn mowers are less effort, particularly for larger lawns and gardens containing slopes, but can be more hassle than they’re worth on smaller lawns – especially plots containing with lots of obstacles to navigate – in which case you may want to consider a standard four wheel push rotary lawn mower which can cost you under £150.

Not everyone aims for a bowling-green finish, but you may wish to achieve a decent cut from a lawn mower that will stand you in good stead for many, many years to come. A number of manufacturers – such as Honda, Hayter, Yardman, Lawnflite-Pro, Masport, Harry to name a few – produce premium quality four-wheel rotary lawn mowers that are characterized by their high build qualities, high performance engines and advanced features such as combination decks, self-starts, electric key starts, hydrostatic drive, shaft drive and variable drive. Premium quality four wheel lawn mowers start at about £300+ for push models and £400+ for the self-propelled version.

For those who take great pride in their lawns there is the option of a petrol cylinder lawn mower. These lawn mowers will provide an exceptionally close cut as well as the well defined banded (or striped) finish traditionally associated with the classic English lawn. For small-medium gardens, this type of lawn mower is available with a 14-17" cutting width from brands such as Qualcast, Suffolk-Punch, Atco and Masport. For larger lawns up to an acre or more, Atco and Masport produce models with blades between 20-30". A tow-behind seat is available for Atco’s 30" model providing a ‘sit-on’ option.

Not all lawns are suitable for cylinder lawn mowers and rear-roller petrol rotary lawnmowers offer a versatile alternative. If your lawn isn’t flat and even or if your keen to keep serving costs down you should consider one of these machines. They provide the same close cut and banded finish but are generally more robust, easier to handle and offer greater levels of reliability than cylinder mowers. The premium brands of rear-roller rotary lawn mower include Hayter, Honda, Atco and Lawnflite-Shanks, while Mountfield, Castel, MTD-Lawnflite and Masport offer popular alternatives. Rear-roller mowers vary in size from 16-22" and you’ll find a model to suit lawns & gardens of all sizes. Petrol rear-roller lawnmowers are available with electric key starts, blade brakes (referred to as blade brake clutch by Hayter and roto stop by Honda), shaft drive and variable drive.

For banks, pathways, rough ground and hard to reach areas you may wish to consider a petrol hover lawn mower to greatly ease the task at hand. These useful devices are light and can be manoeuvred in any direction. Cutting widths are between 15-20" to suit different types and sizes of garden and these products are available in the UK from Flymo and Allen.
