Polemonium Plantery – Speciality National Collection of Polemonium and related genera

  • 4 June 2021 4:46 pm
  • County Durham, England


Polemonium Plantery
Contact David or Dianne Nichol-Brown
Address 28 Sunnyside Terrace,Trimdon Grange , Trimdon Station , Co. Durham, TS29 6HF

United Kingdom
Telephone (01429) 881529

Email [email protected]
Website www.polemonium.co.uk

The collection was recognised in 1992 where the Polemoniums were grown in a small garden in Ebchester, County Durham, UK. In 1998 the entire collection was moved twenty five miles east to Trimdon Grange, where the winds blow straight off the north east coast.

The collection was awarded Scientific Status in 1999, one of only 35 of the 650 plus collections in the UK. The collection is run by a husband and wife team, David and Dianne Nichol-Brown, Dianne being the botanist with a first class honours degree in plant biology, a lecturer in ecology and conservation and an interest in the genus since 1985, David ensures that everything runs smoothly! and manages the family nursery

We have 70 plus species and cultivars in the Polemonium collection, with new cultivars being developed regularly. They range from 10cm Alpines to 120cm herbaceous and can be grown in a variety of locations including under conifers. The plants are often incorrectly named by nurseries and seed suppliers, Mainly P. boreale, caeruleum and pauciflorum are sold under various names. In tests we have found approx 90% of all seed is incorrectly named, this includes seeds from some of the large reputable suppliers.

In 2002 the Collomia and Gilia were added to the collection, these require similar growing condtions to Polemoniuns.

The Leptodactylons were added in 2003, these plants originate from California and require a sandy well drained soil. We have found these to grow well in wall pots in a sheltered spot.


28 Sunnyside Terrace Trimdon Grange Trimdon Station Co. Durham,TS296HF,County Durham,England