Roberts Nurseries – Speciality conifers

  • 4 June 2021 4:45 pm
  • Devon


East Allington

01548 521412
Fax(01548) 521533
[email protected]

Conifers Direct is the mail order division of Roberts Nurseries. We take great pride in growing an outstanding range of fine quality conifers and our specialist production nursery is located in and benefits from the favourable growing climate of South Devon.

With their wide range of shape, size and year round colour, conifers are an essential ingredient for any garden. They can be used in many ways – on the rockery, as ground cover, in beds and borders, as specimens, for hedging and screening, and many are very effective in patio pots in most garden locations – patios, decking, pathways and driveways.

Conifers Direct offers you an outstanding selection of nursery-fresh, well established container grown conifers, ready for planting, delivered to your home.

The plants we supply are 2 – 3 years old, usually in a 2 litre container (occasionally 1 or 3 litre). Despatch is via a next day delivery service so that you receive the plants in the same condition as they leave us. Full planting and care instructions are included with each plant.


East Allington Totnes Devon,TQ97QE,Devon