Rolawn Bark

  • 4 June 2021 4:57 pm
  • UK - Nationwide


Rolawn barks are of a consistent high quality. They will inhibit weed development, reducing ongoing maintenance, improve moisture retention, reducing the need for irrigation and act as an insulation for plant roots, reducing plant loss in cold weather. They will enhance the appearance of your garden and the Play Grade Bark is ideal for use in children’s play areas.
Rolawn Landscaping Bark (approx 1m³ when packed)
Rolawn Landscaping Bark is a mid-dark brown, quality multi-purpose grade bark derived from forestry woodchip.

It is a natural product and will enhance the appearance of your garden. Rolawn Landscaping Bark can also be used as a mulch to inhibit weed development, improve moisture retention and act as insulation for plant roots, reducing plant loss in cold weather.

Exceptional value – 1 bulk bag contains approximately 1000 litres when packed!

Product Information
Type of bark: Mixed conifer.
Each bag covers up to 20m² at a depth of 50mm (2").
Free flowing, easy to barrow & rake out.
Consistent appearance.
Particle size: 8-35mm.
Free of chemical contamination
Rolawn Play Grade Bark Bag (approx 1m³ when packed)

Rolawn Play Grade Bark is a quality, reddish brown, decorative, ornamental pine bark; which is ideal for use in children’s play areas. It is tested to BSEN1177:1998 regarding impact absorption. Rolawn Play Grade Bark can also be used as a mulch to inhibit weed development, improve moisture retention and act as insulation for plant roots, reducing plant loss in cold weather.

Exceptional value – 1 bulk bag contains approximately 1000 litres when packed!

Product Information
Type of bark: Pine.
Each bag covers up to 20m² at a depth of 50mm (2") and up to 3.3m² at a depth of 300mm (12").
Free flowing, easy to barrow & rake out
Consistent appearance.
Particle size: 5-35mm.
Free of chemical contamination
Rolawn Decorative Bark (approx 1m³ when packed)

Rolawn Decorative Bark is a quality, durable, golden brown deluxe ornamental pine bark. Its attractive appearance and shape make it ideal for beds and borders. Rolawn Decorative Bark can also be used as a mulch to inhibit weed development, improve moisture retention and act as insulation for plant roots, reducing plant loss in cold weather.

Exceptional value – 1 bulk bag contains approximately 1000 litres when packed!

Product Information
Type of bark: Pine.
Each bag covers up to 20m² at a depth of 50mm (2").
Free flowing, easy to barrow & rake out.
Consistent appearance.
Particle size: 15-65mm.
Free of chemical contamination


UK - Nationwide