The Garden
The most frequently heard comment from visitors to the garden is surprise! when you come in from the village of Chacewater you enter a hidden garden, totally unexpected and full of surprises! once inside its hard to imagine you are in the centre of a busy village, the 1 acre garden is heavily planted and reflects our love of plants. Sturdy plants suitable for providing shelter in a garden are frequently not that exciting, and it was not long before our passion for climbing plants of all kinds took hold – We could grow them up everything else! The garden contains many climbers including a great many old Rambling roses and Clematis (the two often mix well together) – we have a large selection of Clematis viticella hybrids in the garden and now hold one of the NCCPG’s National Collections of Clematis viticella cvs. Many of the other climbers like Trachelospermum, Jasmine and Lonicera are strongly scented. A Victorian conservatory provides shelter for tender climbers (and us!) and houses a wide range of scented leafed Pelargoniums. Even our favourite climbers have to compete for space with the many other unusual plants we are lucky enough to be able to grow. The top part of the garden is still orchard with some trees dating back to the 1800’s. Some old varieties are now identified, others remain a mystery. Once home to our free range hens this part of the garden is left fairly wild.
The Nursery
Situated in the garden is a small nursery specialising in growing climbing and conservatory plants, these are all propagated on site and grown on here in peat free compost.
Opening times
Tuesday & Wednesday 1-6 pm April to September inclusive, and other times by prior appointment.
Teas with home made cakes available during open afternoons
Cost: Adults £2.50, Children Free, Dogs on leads Welcome
Situated in the village of Chacewater which is 4 miles west of Truro.
Roseland House, Chacewater, Truro, Cornwall. TR4 8QB
Phone 01872 560451
Email [email protected]
Web site