Sarah Naybour Has Designs On Chelsea

  • 4 June 2021 4:58 pm


Award-winning Oxfordshire garden designer, Sarah Naybour, has planned her third show stand for David Harber’s internationally renowned sculptures and sundials at the RHS Chelsea Flower Show.

2015 will be the third consecutive year that Sarah Naybour has designed for David Harber at the Chelsea Flower Show, having won prestigious 5 star awards in 2013 and 2014, the highest award for show stands.

This year, Sarah has designed David Harber a woodland glade, (stand MA6 on Main Street) right in the bustling heart of the show, an exquisite setting for David’s sculptures and sundials.

Dappled light will filter through the trees to play softly on the reflective surfaces of David’s work, featuring several pieces specially designed for the show. Sarah has opted for the subtle bronze shades on the trunks of Betula Edinburgh, rather than the Jacquemonti birch, as these complement the Bronze used in several of David’s sculptures. The trees will be underplanted in a luscious but simple palette of green, white and blue with shrubs, ferns, Hosta, Digitalis, Dutch Iris and Camassia.

The garden, which will be hedged with partial openings at the sides, has been created to induce a sense of discovery and exploration, drawing visitors in with glimpses of sculptures through the branches and the calming sound of running water. At each turn there will be another magnificent piece from David’s collection, with the Filium Orb a central focus with its beguiling swirling mist of vine-like lattice work in distressed and textured metal and lustrous gold interior, revealed for the first time at Chelsea. In the corner of the stand, a timber and shingle-roofed shelter will provide protection from the weather.

Designing for Chelsea is a very special experience for Sarah: "The stand is on Main Avenue, the busiest thoroughfare in what is the garden world’s premiere showcase. Opposite all the biggest – and most expensive – show gardens. There is a lot to live up to. It is hugely competitive to get a space, and you know you have to aim for perfection.

"Chelsea is very much about teamwork, about everyone pitching in for two weeks of build to produce one week of excellence. Adrenaline runs high for 14 days."

"This year, David wanted something completely different. We have chosen a gently curved glen as the theme, using natural woodland trees. In all there will be 11, all varieties of Betula – on the stand. Choice of trees is always limited for Chelsea as so few are in leaf at that time of year, so this is going to be a challenge."

David’s garden, because it is essentially a shop, has to work not just for show but also for functionality. The focus is on people movement as well as on planting, so that each piece can be fully appreciated. Gravel paths and paving will lead people around the stand, with some of David’s favourite poetry taken from his sculptures, etched into the paving stones.

Sophie Harber, co-owner and marketing director of David Harber Ltd commented: "Chelsea is phenomenally important for meeting potential new clients, and not just from the UK, but also internationally. Lots of people come to see us and we need to impress and engage them. Sarah’s designs provide the perfect setting for our sculptures. It is incredibly reaffirming for us to see that we are giving so many people a lot of pleasure."

For more information on Sarah Naybour garden design see
