Should we have to remove the pots off our shared boundary fence? Lady from Stafford, UK

  • 4 June 2021 4:43 pm


We have a dividing fence between our houses, I have some half sized pot holders screwed onto the fence with pots in them on my side. My neighbour has asked that we remove them because they are spoiling the fence (only water drips down and marks the fence-they are not bending the fence). Should we have to remove the pots off the fence?
Forum (Hugh):Who owns the fence?
Lady from Stafford: They say it is shared. We are going to see our solicitor and look at the deeds.
Forum: Deeds, solicitors, and boundary disputes can be expensive. We suggest that you build a strong frame in wood not attached to the fence, put larger pots on it, with bigger and better plants.
Lady from Stafford: Good idea thanks.
