The Herb Society

  • 4 June 2021 4:44 pm


The Herb Society believes that:

Herbal remedies should be freely available to the consumer as safe and efficacious, over-the counter (OTC) products. Clear and concise information should be provided in the labelling of each product.

Medical plants should come from proven sustainable sources.

Increased cultivation of medicinal plants should be encouraged.

Qualified herbal practitioners should be allowed to continue their centuries old practice within the UK. That right must be enshrined within EU law. The national dimension to herbal medicine should not be outlawed or compromised.

‘Well established use’ and ‘traditional medicinal products’ should be accepted as important concepts that must be included in new licensing regulations for medicinal plants.
The criteria for herbal medicine cannot be the same as for chemical medicine (drugs) although it too must have enforceable standards of safety, efficacy and quality.

Herbalists, parmacognosists and other experts in herbal products should be represented on the licensing authority.

Herbs, which many consumers have found extremely helpful in a variety of circumstances, should not be withdrawn from sale without compelling reasons.

Legislation needs to be written so that indications, and perhaps more importantly, contraindications may be included in product labelling.

Herbalists and doctors need to work more closely with one another, especially when it comes to treating patients with severe illness. Herbal medicine can often be complementary to orthodox medicine. An open exchange of information between the branches of medicine is imperative.

For further information, contact the Herb Society, Tel 01295 768899 or Email [email protected]


Ms Nicolette Westwood Sulgrave Manor Sulgrave Banbury OX17 2SD