Unusual Herbs and Edibles

  • 4 June 2021 4:47 pm
  • Suffolk, England


Unusual Herbs and Edibles
To link through to the website please click here:www.unusualherbsandedibles.co.uk

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Unusual Herbs and Edibles is a small family-run nursery in Suffolk. I grow a large variety of herbs and edible plants from all over the world . Many are unusual, rare and hard to obtain. All are useful in some way, either edible, medicinal or both.

There will be many additions to this website in the coming months. These will include colour photos of each plant, a chat forum for specifically rare food and herb plants, a recipes page, more information on uses for each plant.

The online catalogue that is currently available is split into three sections:- ‘herbs’, ‘edibles’ , ‘ornamentals’. Placing plants into categories was not an easy task, as many plants fit into more than one section. The website enables you to browse for plants by either their Latin names or common names.

All of my plants are grown by organic means and are fed on a seaweed feed.

Solar Bubble Build
Our plants are being propagated in the first working bubbletech greenhouse in Europe. The project utilises a dynamic environment control technology pioneered by Richard Nelson. The structure has an enveloping transparent cavity which is filled with liquid bubbles to insulate in cold conditions. These bubbles are generated from a large liquid thermal mass buried beneath the structure. When solar energy is available a liquid film is carried in the south facing cavity and the low grade solar gain is accumulated in the liquid thermal mass. In cold whether conditions the north side can retain its bubble mass to insulate and further focus solar energy from the south. In hot weather conditions this same system can be use for cooling utilising a separate cool thermal mass. By controlling the inner skin temperature with this dynamic liquid system the humidity inside the structure can be fully controlled.

Herb List – Latin Name First

(Acinos arvensis) Basil Thyme
A hardy short lived perennial herb growing to .15 metres tall. This plant is aromatic with a scent of a cross between basil and thyme. The flowering tops and leaves are used as a flavouring in foods and salads. The flavour is milder than that of basil and thyme. It is used medicinally for many ailments including as a diuretic, and to aid stomach complaints.Was often used by ancient herbalists as a pain killer for decaying teeth. £2.25

(Achillea millifolium) Yarrow
Is a wild flower of England growing in grassland. Is also a much used medicinal herb being used to heal wounds, treat cold and fever. Is also a skin cleanser and lowers high blood pressure. Quite an attractive plant growing to 60cm and has fine feathery leaves and white or pinkish flowers. £2.25

(Agastache atropurpurecens) Purple Giant Hyssop
Hardy herbaceous perennial growing to 7 ft high. It is in flower from july to september. Prefers a sunny position and a well drained soil. Flowers and leaves have a mint-like scent. Leaves and flowers can be used in cooking and tea making.. £2.50

(Agastache mexicana)Mexican Giant Hyssop
A beautiful form of the agastaches originating from parts of south america. A very easy to grow herb which doesn’t need a whole lot of attention. It is very drought tolerant as it is native to desert regions of South America. Grows to 3ft high and has pretty whorls of small tubular flowers in shades of pink, white and purple. The leaves are very aromatic when rubbed and can be used as a flavouring in cooking. Also makes a nice aromatic tea. This is a herbaceous perennial(dying down to ground in winter and coming up again in spring). £2.50

(Agastache rugosa) Korean Mint
An upright perennial herb. Has square stems and pointed leaves that have white, hairy undersides and a mint-like aroma. It has tall spikes of small purple flowers in summer. The leaves make a pleasant tea and an unusual seasoning for mint dressings. Though it is related to mints, it is not a true mint and will not spread and become invasive like mint does. Grows 6-7 ft tall. for the back of the herb border. £2.50

(Allium nutans) Purple flowered garlic chives
A pretty native allium of Siberia with a 20-40 cm stem which carries a sphere of many violet or pink flowers.A hardy bulbous perennial. The leaves are garlic flavoured and can be used i place of garlic. They are nice used raw in salads or used in stir fries. £2.25

(Allium tuberosum ) Garlic Chives
A hardy clump forming bulbous perennial growing to 10-20â€? tall. Has white flowers in late summer/fall and has grass-like leaves. Is usually evergreen apart from really cold frosty winters. The leaves can be eaten raw and used in salads or cooked. They have a nice oniony garlic flavour. £2.25

(Aloe ferox) Cape Aloe
A useful medicinal plant with similar medicinal properties to that of the common Aloe vera. It is used medically as a purgative. The leaves can also be used like aloe vera for healing skin problems such as cuts, bruises and sunburns. Grows well as house plant . A native succulent of South Africa. Needs a well drained soil and a place in a well lit window. 3.00

(Aloe vera) Medicine plant
Called the medicine plant as it is used to treat many skin complaints such as sunburn, chapped skin , acne, cuts, bruises and scars. Break off a small bit of leaf and rub the juice from the leaf on skin. A healthy juice is also made from the leaves. A very easily grown houseplant which prefers neglect. Too much water will damage or even rot the roots . £3.00

(Aloysia triphylla) Lemon Verbena
This is a wonderful herb with it’s strongly scented and tasting leaves which smell and taste of lemon. It makes a wonderful lemon tasting tea and leaves are used in cooking to impart a lemon scent and taste. Probably the next best thing to lemons. A deciduous shrub growing to 3m by 3m . It is frost tender so will need to be taken indoors for the winter. £3.00 NOT YET AVAILABLE

(Armoracia rusticana) Horse Radish
This is the plant which is used to make ‘horseradish sauce’. It is the root which is dug in autumn and used. It is grated and is eaten raw. Cooking will destroy the pungency of it. Has a very strong mustard-like taste. Medicinally,Horseradish is a very pungent stimulant herb that controls bacterial infections and can be used both internally and externally. The plant is a powerful stimulant, whether used internally or externally. This a fully hardy perennial. The root can be dug any time of the year. £2.00

Anchusa azure
A hardy perennial native to italy. Has beautiful intense gentian blue flowers in summer. The root of this plant was traditionally used to make a red dye. Medicinally , the root is used to make an ointment for treating wounds and burns. £3.00NOT YET AVAILABLE

Angelica pachycarpa
This is an unusual Angelica having extremely glossy , thick leaves , which almost don’t look real! It is a native of New Zealand. Very easy to grow and unlike other Angelicas which are biennials, this one is a short lived perennial. It is an evergreen,so keeps it’s leaves right through the winter. £3.50

(Arnica montana) Leopard’ s Bane
This is a native wild flower and herb of Europe and is protected in some parts of europe. The plant has an attractive daisy like flower from which many medicines are made. It is a very popular medicinal herb in Germany of which over 100 drug preparations are made from the plant.Arnica is known to stimulate blood circulation and can raise blood pressure, especially in the coronary arteries. The plant is used externally for arthritis, burns, ulcers, eczema and acne. It has anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory qualities that can reduce pain and swelling, improving wound healing. £2.50

(Artemesia dracunculus) French Tarragon
An aromatic perennial growing to 3 ft. This has a stronger scent and taste than the russian tarragon. This is widely used as a flavouring in cooking. Medicinally it is used to aid digestion and is a mild stimulant. This is frost tender, so will need to be taken inside for the winter. £2.50

(Artemisia vulgaris)Wormwood
A hardy perennial herb growing to 1.2 metres by .7 metres. Leaves are used in small quantities as a flavouring in foods. Medicinally, it is used to treat digestive and menstrual complaints. A tea can be made from the fresh or dried leaves £2.00

(Artemisia vulgaris ‘Oriental Limelight’) Variegated Wormwood
A very attractive, decorative variety of wormwood, having variegated leaves. A hardy perennial growing to 2-3 ft high.. Prefers a well drained, poor soil. Does not do very well on wet, fertile soil and may rot if soil is too moist or wet. A good drought tolerant plant for the ornamental flower border or the ornamental herb border. Wormwood was used much for flavouring beer and also used medicinally. £ 2.50NOT YET AVAILABLE

(Bacopa moniera) Memory plant
Known as the ‘memory plant’ as it has been proven to boost memory . It has been used with success in medical trials on patients with alzheimer’s and dimensia. An easily grown plant. needs a moist or boggy type soil to be at it’s best. leaves can be eaten fresh. They have a nutty tasty but are slightly bitter. Has pretty white flowers in summer. £3.50NOT YET AVAILABLE

Basil, Licorice (Ocimum basilicum ‘liquorice’)
Has a strong liquorice scent and taste. Grows to 2 to 3 ft. tall. can be used like regular basil in cooking. Can also be used in baking. £2.50

Basil, Mediterranian .
This has a wonderful basil flavour. It is used for flavouring meat and vegetable dishes. £2.50

(Bulbinella hookeri) Maori onion
A native of New Zealand. This is a tufted bulbous perennial growing to only a few inches high. In summer it has racems of yellow flowers. in autumn the leaves die down for the winter. A half hardy perennial. It can survive slight frosts, but a hard frost will kill it. In the milder parts of the country , it is best to take it indoors for the winter. Prefers a well drained soil in a sunny position. £3.00

(Cedronella canariensis) Balm of Gilead
This is an aromatic herb originating in the Canary islands. Leaves smell strongly of balsam and in it’s native land, they are made into a tea called ‘The de Canaries’. the aromatic leaves can also be dried for use in potpourri. Is a perennial growing to 1.5 metres by 1 metre and is frost tender, so will need to be overwintered inside. £2.50

(Carum copticim) Ajowan/ajwain
A half hardy annual herb native to Southern Asia. It is a dual-purpose herb. The leaves are corriander -like and can be picked often and used in curries or any other dish which corriander is called for. The seeds of the plants are also used. They taste kind of like oregano and black pepper. They are often used in indian cooking to flavour curries,vegetables and breads. This herb is also used medicinally in Ayervadic medicine (indian medicine). £3.00NOT YET AVAILABLE

(Carum roxburghianum ) Ajmud
A useful, dual purpose herb from India. in india, It is cultivated for it’s seeds to flavour curries and chutneys. The leaves also have a corriander-like flavour which can be used in place of coriander. A half hardy annual . £3.00NOT YET AVAILABLE

(Castus agnus sativus) Vitex
An ornamental and medicinal shrub. It has been used for thousands of years for it’s beneficial affect on the female hormonal system. The seeds are used to restore balanced functioning to the female reproductive system. Berries and seeds can also be used as a pepper substitute in cooking. £4.50

(Cephalaria gigantea ) Giant Scabious
A lovely clump forming perennial growing to a height of 2.5 metres tall. In summer it has tall stems holding large primrose yellow flowers. A native of north Turkey. Needs a well drained soil in sun or partial shade. £2.00

(Chenopodium ambrosoides) Epazote / Mexican tea
An annual or a short lived tender perennial. used alot in traditional mexican dishes. £2.50NOT YET AVAILABLE

(Chenopodium bonus-henricus) Good King Henry
This was, in the victorian times, a popular plant which was grown for it’s edible leaves. It is slowly coming back into fashion and making it’s way back into england vegetable gardens. It is a perennial growing to .3 metres. The young leaves are eaten raw or cooked the cooked leaves are an alternative to spinach. £2.25

(Chenopodium nuttaliae)Huizontle
An interesting Mexican vegetable green. The leaves can be used in stir fries like spinach and the young flowering shoots can be used like broccoli. An annual herb. £2.50NOT YET AVAILABLE

(Clinopodium vulgarea ) Wild Basil
Hardy perennial herb growing to .45 metres. The leaves are edible and are used as a flavouring in salads and cooked foods. Has a mild basil-like taste. An aromatic tea can be made from the fresh leaves. Medicinally, a tea can be made from the fresh leaves to aid weak digestion. Needs a well drained soil. £2.25

(Cryptolaenia japonica) Japanese Parsley/Mitsuba
An evergreen perennial herb with parsley-like leaves. They can be used in cooking the same as parsley, but should not be cooked for more than 2 minutes or else they lose their taste. Makes a nice addition to salads as well. The blanched stems can also be used as a celery substitute. This is a commonly cultivated vegetable in Japan where they are usually grown as an annual plant. Mitsuba is loved by slugs and snails so will need protection in its early stages of life. This is best grown as a hardy annual. £2.25

(Cymbopogon citratus) Lemon Grass
A perennial grass native to India. The leaves are often used in Indian and Asian cooking. It has a wonderful lemony scent and taste. The fresh leaves make wonderful lemon tea and lemonade. Lemon grass is a frost tender perennial and will need to be taken inside to protect it from frosts in the winter or else it can be grown as an annual and harvested in the autumn. £2.50NOT YET AVAILABLE

(Dracocephalum moldavicum ) Moldavian Balm/Moldavian Dragons Head
An annual native to Eurasia. A very pretty little herb with large purple flowers which are very long lasting. The fresh or dried leaves make a nice lemon hyssop-like tea. Medicinally, it is good for treating colds. Prefers a well drained soil and a position in full sun. £2.50

(Ephedra nevadensis) Mormon Tea
A half hardy shrub native to the Nevada region of USA. It is evergreen and will grow to 1.2 metres tall. The fruit of this shrub is edible and sweet. The leaves and twigs are made into an excellent tea. The fruits are edible.Medicinally, it is used to treat many ailments including use as a blood purifier, to treat kidney problems, and the first stages of syphillus. This plant is almost hardy and may do well outdoors in Britain, except for the coldest parts of the country. Needs a well drained soil and will not tolerate wet ground(especially in winter). £4.00NOT YET AVAILABLE

(Ephedra, Green) Mormon Tea
A half hardy evergreen shrub growing to 1.8 metres tall. The fruit of this shrub are edible and sweet. What it is best known for is it’s leaves which are made into a tea called’mormon tea’. Medicinally, the leaves and stems are used to treat many ailments including asthma, rheumatism, and colds. This plant is not entirely hardy in Britain, so it is best to grow it in a pot and take it indoors in a frost free place over winter. Needs a well drained humus rich soil and a sunny position £4.00NOT YET AVAILABLE

(Gentiana tibetica) Tibetan Gentian
A half hardy perennial herb. It has large fleshy droopy leaves. Medicinally, it is used to aid in digestion. The fresh or dried leaves can be made into a tea or the fresh leaves can be just be eaten. A very easy plant to grow. £3.00

(Geum rivale) Water Avens/Purple Avens
A hardy perennial herb which grows to .3 metres tall. The roots are edible and make a chocolate-like drink when boiled in water. They can be dried or used fresh. The dried roots make a moth repellant..It has many medicinal uses. An easily grown plant. Prefers a well drained humus rich soil, but isn’t at all fussy. £2.25

(Heimia salicifolia) Heimia/Erva de Vida
A half hardy deciduous shrub growing to 3metres high. Tea made from the leaves and has an intoxicating/hallucinogenic affect. Root stock is hardy in most parts of England, but top growth will be killed back in winter. Needs a well drained soil. £4.00

(Hypericum perforatum ‘Elixir’) St. John’s Wort ‘Elixir ‘
A hardy perennial herb growing to .9 metres tall. Used medicinally to treat many ailments, mostly for nervous problems. A soothing tea can be made from the fresh or dried leaves. A very easily grown plant-almost too easy as it can become a weed in a garden, but it is very pretty and useful. This cultivar has higher active constituents, hypericun and related compounds than the ordinary St John’s Wort. £2.50

(Hypericum perforatum) St. John’s Wort
A hardy perennial herb growing to .9 metres tall. Used medicinally to treat many ailments, mostly for nervous problems. A soothing tea can be made from the fresh or dried leaves. A very easily grown plant-almost too easy as it can become a weed in a garden, but it is very pretty and useful. £2.25

(Hyssopus officinalis) Hyssop, pink
An evergreen shrub growing to 0.6m. the leaves are used as a flavouring in foods and have a taste which is a cross between a sage and mint. The plant is a very good bee and butterfly attractor. Medicinally, It has a positive effect when used to treat bronchitis and respiratory infections. Hyssop can be grown as a hedging plant and responds well to clipping. It is a hardy perennial. Needs full sun and a well drained soil. £2.25NOT YET AVAILABLE

(Indigofera australis) Australian Indigo
A tender shrub native to Australia. The crushed leaves of this plant were used by aborigines to stun or kill fish by adding them to the water. It is an evergreen spreading shrub that grows to 3 metres high. but will probably not get to that height in this country as it will need to be pot grown and taken indoors for the winter. A blue dye can be extracted from this plant. £4.00NOT YET AVAILABLE

(Inula helenium ) Elecampane
A hardy perennial growing to 1.5 metres tall. This plant was once used by the Romans as a pot herb. It was the leaves which were cooked and eaten as a vegetable. Elecampane has a long history of medicinal use. It can be used to treat colds, brochitis and other ailments. A very easily grown herb which will succeed in most soils. £2.25

(Isatis indigotica) Chinese Woad
It is a dye plant which is related to the common plant, Woad (Isatis tinctoria). Like the common Woad, it contains the substances, indican and isatin b, both of which can be converted to indigo for dying cloth and for making a blue paint. It is also used in Chinese medicine. Medicinally, it is an antibacterial, antiviral, and anti inflammatory. Leaves and roots are effective against flu, encephalitis, measles, hepatitis, and mumps. It is a hardy, short lived perennial growing to 1 metre. for the back of the border. £2.25

(Isatis tinctoria) Dyer’s Woad
This plant used to be the main source of blue dye throughout Europe. It contains the same dyestuffs as indigo, though in lower concentrations. It is quite an attractive herb which can be placed in the back of the herb border as it grows quite tall. Seeds are best sown direct in the ground in spring. Plants grow at a very fast rate. Biennial. £2.00

Lavender ‘Old English’
Grows to 3 ft. tall. Has grey-blue flowers and a strong sharp scent to it’s leaves. It is a good one for drying. £2.50NOT YET AVAILABLE

Lavender ‘Munsted ‘ (Lavandula angustifolia ‘munsted’)
This is a nice compact shrub growing to 18 ” high. Makes a wonderful low growing hedge. Has the same culinary and medicinal properties as ordinary lavender. £2.50

Lavender Grappenhall (Lavender x intermedia cv. grappenhall)
This is one of the largest forms of lavender, growing to 80cm. it has large , pale mauve flowers from august through autumn. Has aromatic silvery leaves. Leaves are used medicinally and for culinary uses. £2.50NOT YET AVAILABLE

(Lavendula multifida) Fern Leaf Lavender
This is an unusual lavender, as it leaves look nothing like a normal lavenders leaves. Has fern like foliage and a strong oregano/ lavender like fragrance. Has tall purple flower spikes from spring to autumn. £3.00NOT YET AVAILABLE

Lavender Officinalis (also called lavandula angustifolia)
This is the original lavender and the one which is most often used for it’s essential oils in perfumes and such. All parts of the plant are edible. The leaves shoots and flowers are used as a condiment in soups, salads, stews, etc. The fresh and dried leaves can also be made into an aromatic tea. Medicinally, the plant is used for many ailments. It is most commonly prepared into a tea to have a calming effect on the nervous system. £2.50

(Lavendula pedunculata) Lemon Scented Lavender
This is a wonderful little shrub with lime green foliage. When foliage is rubbed, it gives off a strong scent of lemon/lavender. It has dense spikes of deep purple flowers in summer. £2.50NOT YET AVAILABLE

Lavender Rosea
Grows to 18″ tall. Has pink flowers. Recommend growing amongst a purple foliage plant, such as purple sage, to set off the colour. £2.50NOT YET AVAILABLE

(Lavendula stoechas)French Lavender
Grows to 2 ft. tall and is strongly scented. Has unusual purple flower spikes with tufted spikes on top . It flowers for a long time if dead headed. £2.50NOT YET AVAILABLE

(Levisticum officinalis) Lovage
A hardy perennial herb growing to 1.8 metres tall. the leaves and stems are edible. The stems can be blanched and used like celery. Used medicinally for to aid digestion and respiratory system. Needs a rich moist soil and a position in full sun. £2.50

(Lippia dulcis) Mayan Mint/aztec sweet herb
A half hardy perennial herb growing to 30 cm tall by 60 cms wide. This herb has amazingly sweet leaves which are many times sweeter than sugar. Can be used to sweeten teas, cakes and anything else that calls for sugar. Wonderful for diabetics. Can be grown as an annual or a perennial and taken in for the winter to a frost free environment. Makes a nice low creeping ground cover. has pretty white flowers in summer £4.00NOT YET AVAILABLE

( Melissa officinalis) Lemon Balm
This is a herbaceous bushy herb. Has a strong scent and taste of lemon. It is used in many dishes to impart a lemon flavour and also for making a lemony herbal tea. £2.00

(Melissa officinalis ‘All Gold’ )Lemon Balm ‘All Gold’
A hardy herbaceous herb. Leaves have a strong lemon scent and taste and make an excellent refreshing lemony tea. Can also be used in cooking to give a lemony taste. This variety has bright golden leaves and is most beautiful in early spring as they start to appear. £2.00NOT YET AVAILABLE

(Melissa officinalis ‘Aurea’) Lemon Balm Variegated
This is an ornamental lemon balm having very attractive gold green variegated leaves. It is really attractive in the spring.grows to 80cm. tall. Can be used in all the same ways as ordinary lemon balm in cooking and tea making imparting a lemon scent and taste.medicinally, lemon balm is used in the treatment of colds, flu, coldsores, nausea and stomach complaints. It has a soothing and calming effect on the body. £2.00

(Mentha spicata) Algerian fruity Mint
This has a fruity scent and taste. used in baking, cooking and tea making. £2.25

(Mentha ssp.) Mint , Betty’s Slovakian
This is a new addition to my mint collection this year. I don’t have any information on it , but hope to have some towards the end of the season. £2.25

(Mentha longifolia ) Buddleia Mint
This is edible and can be used in many of the same ways that ordinary mint is used. It is an attractive mint, strongly resembling a buddleia plant and is a really good bee and butterfly attractor. £2.25

(Mentha) Mint, Canaries
I have just added this mint to my mint collection this year,so i don’t have a lot of information on this one, but should have more info towards the end of the season. £2.25

(Mentha x piperita citrata ) Chocolate Mint
This is one of the best selling mints. It has a chocolate/ mint scent and taste and is a good one for making tea and for baking with. Can also be used in cooking. £2.25

nt (mentha sp.) French Lawn Mint
Not sure of the latin name of this one. This was given to me by a french man. It is a very strong growing and invasive plant. Quite tall growing and resembling spearmint in scent and looks, though the leaves of this one are larger and more serrated on the edges. £2.25

(Mentha ssp.)Krausse Mint
This is a new addition to my mint collection this year. I don’t have any information on it , but hope to have some towards the end of the season. £2.25

(Mentha ssp.) Mandeliensis Mint
This is a new addition to my mint collection this year. I don’t have any information on it , but hope to have some towards the end of the season. £2.25

(Mentha) Menthol Mint
This mint has a strong menthol scent and taste. It is good used in cooking and baking. Makes a wonderful tea. The vapours from the tea can be used as a cold remedy to help unblock sinuses. £2.25

(Mentha spicata var. crispa ) Moroccan Mint
This is one of the best mints to use for making mint tea. It is recommended by Dehlia Smith. Can be used in cooking as well. Has one of the best minty tastes. £2.25

( Mentha ssp.) Russian Plain Leaved Mint
I don’t have a lot of information on this one. It is a new addition to my mint collection this year. I hope to have some more information on it by the end of this season. £2.25

(Mentha spicata ) Spearmint
Used in making mint sauce, cooking and making spearmint tea. £2.25

(Mentha ssp.) Sweet Pear Mint
Has a light sweet scent and taste which is vaguely of pear. Used or making tea, baking and cooking. £2.25

(Mentha piperita) Swiss Ricola Mint
Has a light refreshing scent and taste. An oil is obtained from this one and is the flavouring agent for “swiss ricola brand” sweets. Use the same way as ordinary mint. £2.25

(Monarda citriodora) Lemon Bergamot
An annual herb growing to 3 ft tall. It is a native plant of the mid west. The foliage is aromatic and scented of lemon. The fresh or dried leaves can be used to make a refreshing lemony tea or be used in salads or as a condiment. Is an excellent bee and butterfly plant. £2.25

(Monarda fistulosa) Bergamot, Lavender/Wild Bergamot
A native wildflower of north America and Canada. It is a hardy perennial growing to 1.5 metres tall. The whole plant, excluding the roots can be used as a pot herb. It is very aromatic and the leaves can be used fresh in salads, and made into a tea. Was often used medicinally by native america tribes to aid in digestion and other ailments. It is still used today by some herbalists. A very ornamental plant and is very easily grown. Has pretty purple flowers and is an excellent bee and butterfly attractor. Will grow in any soil. £2.25

(Nepeta cataria) Cat Mint
The plant has an aromatic, characteristic odour, which bears a certain resemblance to that of both Mint and Pennyroyal. It is well know for being much liked by cats who will roll on and eat the leaves. £2.25

(Nepeta cataria) Nepeta ‘Six Hills Giant’
A beautiful form of Nepeta that grows to 3 ft tall by 3 ft wide. Has aromatic foliage beneath a mist of pretty purple flowers . A hardy, ornamental perennial herb. Use the same as ordinary Nepeta. £2.25

(Nepeta cataria ssp. Citriodora) Lemon Catnip
The same as ordinary catnip, but with a lemony fragrance. Well adored by most cats. The plant produces a scent which most cats absolutely love. To protect your plant from cats rolling in it, stick a few twigs around and over the plant. It is also used medicinally for many ailments, one being a sleep aid. A nice lemony tea ca be made from the fresh or dried leaves. You can even dry a few leaves(not outside, as it’s oils will lose their potency) and sew them into your cats favourite toy. A hardy perennial. Prefers a well drained soil in a sunny position. £2.25

(Nepeta mussinii) Persian Catmint/Persian Catnip
Sweet and spicy aroma to the leaves. pretty purple flowers in summer. Leaves can be use in all the same ways as other catmints. £2.25

(Nicandra physaloides) Shoo Fly
A tender annual that grows to 1.2 metres high. Used medicinally in tibetan medicine. It is said that this herb repels all flies. It is very attractive, having pretty blue bell shaped flowers followed by latern-shaped seed pod similar to ‘chinese lanterns’. £2.00NOT YET AVAILABLE

(Nicandra physaloides ‘ Variegata’) Variegated Shoo Fly
A tender annual that grows to 1.2 metres high. Used medicinally in tibetan medicine. It is said that this herb repels all flies. It is very attractive, having pretty blue bell shaped flowers followed by latern-shaped seed pod similar to ‘chinese lanterns’. This variety has pretty variegated leaves £2.00NOT YET AVAILABLE

(origanum) Marjoram Acorn Bank
A very attractive marjoram grown for its decorative and novelty purposes. It is still a good used in cooking and for making teas. Grows to 18″ tall and has a slightly more triangular leaf than the other marjorams. It is good used in meat dishes, for stuffings, and salads. £2.25

(origanum)Marjoram, Greek Oregano
One of the best marjorams for cooking with. It is used a lot in italian cooking. Hardy herbaceous perennial £2.25

(Parthenium) French Parsley
This is considered by many to be the best flavoured variety for cooking with. It is the flat leaved variety, not the one with curled leaves. Although it is a perennial, it is best grown as a biennial to maintain the best flavour from the leaves. It loses flavour with age. £2.00

(Parthenium) Moss Curled Parsley
Used like french parsley in cooking. Leaves are curled, making it an attractive specimen plant for the herb garden. Pick leaves regularly to encourage more leaf growth. Seeds are slow to germinate and need warm to germinate properly. Either sow indoors in spring with bottom heat or sow outdoors when the ground has warmed up. £2.00

(Perilla frutescens) Purple Perilla
Has decorative dark purple foliage. it has cinnamon scented and tasting leaves which are popular in japan for flavouring raw fish, bean curd, pickles and tempura. Purple perilla was also used by the victorians as a bedding plant. An annual growing to .6 metres by .3 metres. Good for the front of the ornamental, kitchen, or herb garden. £2.25NOT YET AVAILABLE

(Plectranthus sp.) Vick’s Plant
This is a fast growing succulent plant with furry leaves. The leaves , when rubbed, smell exactly of ‘vick’s vapour rub’. It makes an attractive house plant. £3.50

(Porophyllum ruderale) Quillquina
An unusual annual herb from Mexico. The leaves have a spicy citrus-like flavour. In Mexico, the leaves are used to make salsa. They can also be used in cooking like coriander. Has blue-green pointed leaves.grows to one metre tall. £2.75NOT YET AVAILABLE

(Pycnanthemum flexuosum) Mountain Mint
Not a true mint, though it is related to the mint family. it is not invasive like mints. Has needle-like leaves. Leaves give off a strong minty scent when rubbed . Makes a nice minty tea and can be used in cooking and baking. £2.25

(Rosemarinus officinalis) Rosemary ‘Green Ginger’
This is a really interesting Rosemary. Amazingly, it smells of fresh ginger. Grows to 18″ tall and has blue flowers. Use the fresh or dried leaves in cooking or teas to impart a fresh ginger/rosemary taste. £2.25NOT YET AVAILABLE

(Rumex flexuosus) Tangle Herb
A hardy native perennial of New Zealand. Has curious bronze coloured stems and leaves which form a tangled mound. Grows to 12 ” tall. Likes a moist soil. £3.00

( Rumex sanguineus) Bloody Sorrel
A very ornamental sorrel having dark red veins which look like blood. A hardy perennial growing to 15 inches and having a spread of 15 inches. Leaves can be eaten raw and used in salads. Makes a nice container plant. £2.25

(Rumex scutatas)French Sorrel
This herb is used extensively in France, especially in soups. The leaves have a pleasant sour taste. Leaves can also be used fresh in salads and to curdle milk. This is a hardy perennial. £2.25

(Sanguisorba minor) Salad Burnett
An evergreen perennial growing to 0.6m . The leaves are used raw in salads and as garnishes.they are best used before the plant comes into flower or else the leaves will be bitter. It is used medicinally for many ailments, one being for healing wounds externally. £2.25

(Salvia alpina) White Sage
This is an important herb used in ceremonies by the american indians and is considered sacred. It is one of the most aromatic of all the Salvias. It can be found growing naturally throughout the southern united states. Flowers appear in spring and are white with a tinge of lavender. it has many medicinal properties. It has powerful antiseptic and antifungal properties. Fully hardy in the UK. £3.50NOT YET AVAILABLE

Salvia disermas
A half hardy perennial salvia native to south africa. Has pretty light grey green leaves which form a large clump. Has many small pale pink flowers in summer. Needs a well drained soil and a position in full sun. May need to take indoors for the winter. £2.75

(Salvia dorisiana) Fruit Salad Sage
A tropical looking sage with large lime green leaves.When the leaves are rubbed or bruised, it give off a strong scent of fresh fruit cocktail.it is frost tender and grows to 5 ft. tall. In the winter it has large dark pink flowers which are very attractive. £3.50

Salvia forskaohlei
A hardy perennial herb native to south eastern Europe and western Asia. A clump forming Salvia with large rough leaves. In summer, it has stalks of blue purple flowers with white throats. £3.00

Salvia Patens ‘Guanajuato’
This is a giant form of Salvia patens. It was found in Mexico in the early 1990s. It grows to 5-6 feet and has flowers that are larger than the 2-inch flowers of the species. Fragrant leaves. This is a very rare and awesome salvia. £3.50

(Salvia tilliaefolia) Tarahumara Chia
A traditional crop of the Tarahumara Indians of the Sierra Madre with ten-inch spikes of 1/4″ electric blue flowers. The seeds are harvested and contain a high amount of protein. They are used to make flour, beverages and for cooking. a half hardy perennial. May need to be pot grown and taken in for the winter. £2.50

(Salvia officinalis) Sage ‘Bergartten’
Comes from Germany. The name translates to’Mountain Garden Sage’. Unlike garden sage, it has large oval leaves. Used in cooking like ordinary garden sage and is said by many to have a superior flavour to garden sage. This variety rarely blooms, so helps to extend it’s life. This needs to be pruned regularly throughout the summer to keep it from going straggly. Grows to approximately 5ft, but can easily be kept under that with pruning. Needs full sun and a well drained soil. £2.75

Black Currant Sage
A small shrub which is supposed to be slightly tender, though it will survive outside during winter if in a protected area. The leaves, when rubbed smell strongly of black currants. Makes a wonderful herb tea and can be used in cooking and baking. Has lots of pink flowers from mid summer through autumn. £2.50NOT YET AVAILABLE

(Salvia azurea) Blue Sage
A perennial native of the American Southwest. It has many beautiful light blue flowers, 1 ” in length on dense terminal spikes from july to September. Can grow to 6 ft tall, but is best kept clipped back. Has grey green foliage. It is usually evergreen in this country. The seed of this plant are a traditional food of the native Americans. It has many medicinal properties. Leaves can also be used in cooking and tea making. £2.50

(Salvia officinalis pupurea)Purple Sage
This sage has attractive dark, reddish purple leaves it is particularly attractive interplanted amongst golden and tricolor sage. A large shrub. Fully hardy in the UK, but needs a well drained soil for it to grow successfully. £2.50

(Salvia lavendulifolia) Spanish Sage
A hardy evergreen shrub growing to .5 metres. It is used in cooking like garden sage. the essential oil from this sage is used commercially to flavour foods such as ice cream, sweets, chewing gum, and soft drinks. An aromatic tea can be made from the fresh or dried leaves. It is used medicinally to treat a variety of ailments , such as digestive and respiratory problems. A native of Spain. It is fully hardy in the UK, provided it has a well drained soil. £2.50NOT YET AVAILABLE

(Saponaria officinalis) Double Soapwort
This is an ornamental version of ordinary Soapwort, having double pink flowers. It is a hardy perennial growing to 1 metre by 1 metre. It is in flower from July to September. A soap can be obtained by boiling the whole plant (but especially the root) in water. It is a gentle effective cleaner,used especially on delicate fabrics that can be harmed by modern synthetic soaps (it has been used to clean the Bayeaux tapestry). The best soap is obtained by infusing the plant in warm water.The roots can be dried and stored for later use. The plant is sometimes recommended as a hair shampoo. £ 2.25

(Silybum marianum adriana) White St. Mary’s Thistle
A pretty bienniel herb growing to 1.2 metres tall. This silybum has white flowers. All parts of the plant are edible. The root is cooked and eaten like salsify. The leaves can be eaten raw in salads and cooked like spinach, but the spines on the edges of the leaf need to be removed first. The flower head can be eaten like globe artichokes, but before the flower buds have opened up.and the roasted seed is a coffee substitute. Silybum has a long history of medicinal uses including treatment of liver and gall bladder diseases, jaundice, cirrhosis, hepatitis and poisoning and others. An easily grown plant and self seeds easily. Grows in any reasonably fertile soil. £2.25 NOT YET AVAILABLE

(Spilanthes acmella , ‘Brede Mafane’) Eyeball plant/Toothache plant
A native herb of east Africa. It is the main ingredient of the national dish of Madagascar. Quite an attractive little plant with glossy leaves and lots of bright pompom-like flowers. It is used medicinally for many ailments. The leaves, if chewed have a numbing affect and can be used as a pain reliever for sore gums and teeth. This is a tender perennial, but can be grown as an annual in this country. £ 2.25NOT YET AVAILABLE

(Stevia robaudiana) Stevia Sweet Herb
The leaves of this plants are intensely sweet and may be used in place of sugar. It has 0 calories and is a must for diabetics.The leaves contain steviocide which is a substance that is 300-500x’s sweeter than sucrose. The dried and fresh leaves can be used in place of sugar for baking and making preserves. It can also be added to teas and coffees to sweeten, but only a leaf or two is all that is needed. stevia is a frost tender, short lived perennial, so needs to be taken inside for the winter. £4.00

( Tanecetum parthenium) Double Feverfew
This is a lovely, ornamental version of the common herb, feverfew. It has masses of double white flowers that start in mid spring and last right through to the end of summer. Foliage and flowers have a strong, pleasant scent. the dried flowers are used as flavouring in pastries. The leaves are used in cooking. A tea is made from the dried flowers. This is a hardy short lived perennial growing to .6 metres by .3 metres. It is in flower from June to August. feverfew has gained a good reputation as a medicinal herb. It has been proven to be of special benefit in the treatment of certain migraine headaches, rheumatism, and arthritis. £ 2.25

(Teucrium scorodonia) Curly Woodsage
This is a pretty herb for the front of the herb border. It has curled edges to it’s leaves. It is a perennial growing to .3 metres by .5 metres. It is a very easy to grow plant succeeding in and moderately good soil. Once established, it is drought tolerant. £2.25

(Thymus Herba Barona)Thyme ‘Caraway’
A very strong and vigorous grower. Low growing and spreading along the ground. Makes an excellent ground cover. Leaves, when rubbed, exude a strong caraway scent and taste. Use in dishes which require caraway and thyme flavours. Hardy perennial. £2.25

Thyme ‘Lucy’
This thyme has a very vigorous growth habit. It grows to 20 cm. This thyme was originally produced for cultivation of stems and leaves for use in cooking as it is very fast growing £2.25NOT YET AVAILABLE

Thyme ‘Lemon Curd’
This is a relatively new thyme which is similar to lemon thyme, but with a soft, less citrusy fragrance of lemon. Is good used in cooking and tea making. Low growing. £2.25NOT YET AVAILABLE

Thyme Lime
Low growing shrub with attractive lime green foliage. The leaves , when rubbed, give off a lime fragrance. Use in cooking or tea making. £2.25NOT YET AVAILABLE

(Thymus fragrantissimus) Thyme, Orange Scented
This is a large upright shrub with narrow, blue green foliage. When leaves are rubbed, it gives off a strong scent of orange. Makes a good tea and is good used in cooking. £2.25

(No Latin name entry) See common name entry for U

(No Latin name entry) See common name entry for V

(Withania somnifera ) Ashwagandha
A tender evergreen shrubby herb growing to 1 metre tall. Ashwagandha is used widely throughout India as a medicine for many ailments. It’s most common use is as a tranquilliser. It is used much like ginseng is used in China. It has a rejuvenating effect on the whole body. A very easy plant to grow. Needs a well drained, fertile soil in a sunny position. This species is not hardy in Britain. It can be grown as an annual or as a tender perennial and overwintered in a heated greenhouse or conservatory over winter. £3.00

(No Latin name entry) See common name entry for X

(No Latin name entry) See common name entry for Y

(No Latin name entry) See common name entry for Z

