Wisteria drying out. Sima Lee, Canada

  • 4 June 2021 4:43 pm


Dear Sir, I am in Canada. I planted a wisteria in the early spring and it grew well in the first few months. But now I see the leaves are starting to dried out at the end especially the young ones. I searched a few web sites, but did not find any information about it. Do you know anything about it? Thanks. Sima Lee
Forum (Brian):Dear Sima, Hugh has asked me to comment on your Wisteria problem. I believe what has happened is that the pot root ball has dried out. Often even if the plant is regularly watered the area directly within the pot root ball zone can become dried out. When it does the plant reacts as you describe. All is not lost though! Keep the pot root ball well watered until Fall. Next spring continue to water until end of May and if drought is experienced keep watering. The plant will grow away in early summer. Come back in November 2005 or visit Knowyourgardening.com and we will help you with the pruning Brian Davis
Sima:Dear Hugh and Brian, Thank you very much for the prompt reply. I am Toronto, Canada. The wisteria is about six feet high and I planted it at the backyard just besides the deck. Yesterday I tested the soil PH in which it is planted. The sample soil was got from about 4 inches below the surface. The PH is around 7.0, it seems not bad. The problem is the plant seems to have stopped growing as it is the same size as it was in the spring. The young leaves dried out even before they start open and the old leaves start to shrink and dry out at the end. There are no visible insects on the tree.Also the soil is quite moist. Thank you both again for your help. Regards, Sima
Forum (Hugh):Dear Sima, Do you have any other plants growing near the Wisteria, or is it on its own? How long has the deck been up – as I am wondering if any wood preservative could have got into the soil where the Wisteria is. If the soil is quite moist this sounds like ‘salts’ in the soil inhibiting the plants take up of moisture. You could try digging out a section of soil and replacing it with new soil then check the plant to see if it is putting out fibre root after six weeks. Regards Hugh
Sima:Dear Hugh, Thanks a lot for the email. The deck was built one year and a half ago and there are no other plants near the wisteria. I will try your suggestion and see what happens. I will do my best to save the plant. Regards, Sima
