Woottens of Wenhaston

  • 4 June 2021 4:45 pm
  • Suffolk, England
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The nursery is nestled in a small village in Suffolk called Wenhaston and opens the first weekend of every month to the public.

As well as plants the nursery runs horticultural courses and specialist events throughout the year including annual Auricula and Pelargonium Days.

To view Woottens range of Horticultural Courses click here

To view Woottens Events List click here


Woottens of Wenhaston
The Iris Field
Hall Road
IP19 9HF

Woottens Plants was founded in 1990 by Michael Loftus – a charismatic and passionate plantsman.

From the first, Woottens has been noted for the vigour and health of its plants. In 1993 Anna Pavord wrote in the Independent of how its plants are "thumping with health." She also played tribute to the "extraordinary range". These two attributes, years later, continue to be its key strengths. Writing in Gardens Illustrated, Patrick Taylor, like Anna Pavord, Patrick pays tribute to the "rude health" of its plants.

The nursery is now run by a dedicated team of staff and continues to grow and propagate hundreds of herbaceous perennials each year to sell from the nursery or via mail order.

The nursery is nestled in a small village in Suffolk called Wenhaston and opens the first weekend of every month to the public.
As well as plants the nursery runs horticultural courses and specialist events throughout the year including annual Auricula and Pelargonium Days.


Woottens main specialities are Auriculas, Hemerocallis, Irises and Pelargoniums.


Iris Alcazar

Bearded Irises are a particular passion for us; we now grow over 2.5 acres. As well as collecting modern introductions – particularly the fabulous creations of the Schreiners nursery in Oregon and Cayeux Nursery in France, we also have a large collection of historic varieties dating from 1600 to 1960. Woottens Bearded Irises are despatched as bareroot divisions dug from our field from the beginning of August till the end of October. We also grow a wide range of Iris sibirica, some of which are pot grown and can be despatched throughout the year. In total we grow 20 different species of Iris including Iris spuria, Iris ensata, Iris reticulata and Iris chrysographes.


Auricula Blue Chip

We have been building our collection of auricula plants for over 15 years and we now have over 500 varieties of alpines, borders, and shows. We also breed our own select varieties each year.

All plants are propagated by division on the nursery. We pride ourselves on the health and strength of our auricula plants. Our auriculas are available all year round in 9cm pots.


These South African plants were Michael Loftus’s earliest love. His mother, Prue, was a great collector of the ‘unique’ and scented leaf varieties and these were part of his life for over 50 years. Our collection of Pelargoniums is intensely personal. We abhor the violent colours of most modern Pelargoniums and specialise in the species and scented leaf varieties. All our Pelargoniums are raised at the nursery from cuttings. Whilst some varieties are available all year, we also propagate rare plants to order and send these plants out in May.

Pelargonium Echinatum


We first started growing Daylilies over twenty years ago. Over this period our collection has become increasingly refined and we now concentrate largely on the new American Spider varieties and Unusual Forms. We feel the subtle and wayward looks of the Spiders and Unusual Forms make them much better mixers in the border than some of their more ostentatious cousins. Our Hemerocallis plants are all field grown and we despatch freshly dug divisions throughout the year.


No herbaceous border is complete without hardy Geraniums. Their informal grace is the perfect complement to more showy plants and their wayward habit will soften the most hard-edged of designs. The nursery grows over 60 different varieties of hardy Geranium which can flower from early spring to late autumn. The majority of our collection are propagated by division on the nursery and are available for sale all year round in 1-2litre pots.

Geranium Pratense Fire Pleno Violacea


Agapanthus Glenavon

Whether grown in the border or in containers Agapanthus plants are a must for the summer.

These easy to grow South African perennials are one of the best show plants in the garden along with Paeonia, Dahlia and the humble Rose. Woottens nursery grows over 30 different varieties of Agapanthus including large headed tender varieties and many hardy varieties both with blooms of blue, white and purple. Plants are UK Grown and dispatched all year round in 1-2litre pots.


Grass Pennisetum

Woottens grow 20 different genus of ornamental grasses and many more species. No autumn garden is complete without the tall airy panicles of Molinia or gold pony tails of Miscanthus. We love to grow easy grasses that compliment rather than invade the border and recommend planting with late flowering Salvia, Echinacea and Dahlia. Plants are UK grown or propagated on the nursery by division in the spring. Most plants can be dispatched all year in 1-2litres pots.

Contact Us

Lucinda Skinner
Woottens of Wenhaston Limited
The Iris Field
Hall Road
IP19 9HF
Tel: 01502478258
Email: [email protected]

Web: www.woottensplants.com

Woottens Nursery is open the first weekend of every month from March – November and select events throughout the year. For full details see our website.

Woottens Mail order service operates throughout the year. Plants can be ordered by telephone: 01502 478258, or through our website at www.woottensplants.com

