Salad and Leafy Vegetable Seeds

  • 4 June 2021 4:58 pm
Iceberg lettuce


Salad and Leafy Vegetable Seeds – easy to grow, very quick off the mark (you can harvest mature radish in a Usain Bolt-like 2 weeks in the summer) and incredibly healthy, salads and leafy vegetables are right up there when it comes to selecting seeds and varieties to grow on the allotment or in the vegetable patch or kitchen garden. Our selection of organic salad and leafty vegetable seeds includes the aforementioned radish, stunning varities of chard to brighten up any veg plot or border, spinach leaves packed full of vitamins A and C and all the popular types of lettuce – cos, butterhead, iceberg and loose leaf. We’ve also tossed rocket, mizuna and a rather interesting chinese cabbage into the mix to hopefully satisfy the needs of all salad lovers!
Now we’ve whetted your growing appetite, you’ll be pleased to hear we’ve also made seed sowing and growing guides for all our salad and leafy vegetable seed varieties, which you’ll find on every seed page (there’s an example below). We stock the cloches, fleece and seed sowing aids you’ll need to help you grow successfully too – and on the subject of seeds; every variety we supply has reached the exacting organic standards laid down by the Soil Association so you can be completely confident that every lettuce, radish, spinach, chard, rocket etc seed you sow is 100% organic. It’s up to you to make it a real salad summer to remember this year!
