This straight-shaft ‘D’ handle brush cutter has a 30cc 2-stroke engine with…
Tony Benger Landscaping provides a flexible, efficient and cost-effective landscaping service for…
This thoughtfully designed 26cm long Heart Shaped Planting Trowel by Sneeboer combines…
Long Thin Trowel – the long thin sneeboer trowel is ideal for…
Do you recognise this problem? When you are repotting your plants, does…
The Sneeboer Short Fat Trowel with a 15 cm blade and a…
The Sneeboer small trowel is great for potting and the more delicate…
The ingenious narrowing 16cm blade of the New Ultimate Flowerbed Trowel allows…
The 21cm long blade and 3cm width of the Sneeboer Dandelion Weeder…
The offset blade of the Exaggerated Sneeboer Hand Weeder gives greater manoeuvrability…
Keep the garden pathways and stonework clear of unwanted weeds with the…
The Long Handled Stone Scratcher and Knife from Sneeboer will certainly make…
The Sneeboer two-pronged weeder loosens the earth around the roots, enabling the…
Sneeboer Long Handled Two Pronged Weeder ideal for planting, aerating and loosening…
The Sneeboer Weed Gouger is perfect for getting to those difficult tap…
Weed Twistler – with a soft turning of the Sneeboer hand-crafted stainless…
Garden WiseCastle Douglas RoadDUMFRIESDumfriesshireDG28PP