Grow Your Own and Kitchen Garden are both recognised as must-read monthly publications. Not only will you be bang up to date with product reviews, gardening news and the latest indispensible fruit and vegetable varieties, but you’ll be able to take advantage of exclusive subscriber offers and many other benefits. And what’s more, you won’t need to trek down to the newsagent for a copy and even if you don’t garden or grow your own vegetables, a subscription would make a long-lasting gift for a green-fingered friend or relative. Keep a copy in the potting shed and next time rain puts paid to your gardening activities, sit back and learn something new!
For more information on Grow Your Own Books and Magazines CLICK HERE
Vegetable Fruit and Herb Growing in Small Spaces – John Harrison £5.95
This gardening guide by leading author John Harrison covers all you need to know to successfully grow vegetables, fruit and herbs in containers, window boxes or even hanging baskets. If you have a small garden this simple, straightforward book written in plain English with black and white illustrations will certainly show you how to get the most out of it – the perfect gardeners manual to help you ‘grow your own’ with very limited space.
The Essential Allotment Guide by John Harrison £5.95
The Essential Allotment Guide is the latest offering from acclaimed garden author John Harrison and, as the title states, is essential reading for anyone who has, or is thinking of applying for or taking over an allotment or larger plot of vegetable growing land.
Vegetable Growing – Month by Month Guide by John Harrison £5.95
Whatever the size of your garden you can still grow your own vegetables and this down-to-earth 256 page paperback book takes you through the vegetable gardening year month by month. Experienced vegetable grower John Harrison takes you through the entire vegetable year so that, for all the main vegetables, you’ll know exactly when you should sow your seeds, dig your plot and harvest your crops.
Grow Your Own Veg Journal by Carol Klein £9.95
Useful monthly growing guide featuring tips from sowing to harvesting with tasty recipes, time planning reminders and space to make your own notes. Wonderfully illustrated!
Grow Your Own Magazine Subscription £35.00
Want to discover how to grow your own fruit and vegetables as well as learn the secrets of a country kitchen; if so, then our special Grow Your Own Magazine Subscription offer is for you.
Kitchen Garden Magazine Subscription £32.00
If you’re into growing your own vegetables and herbs – whether at home on on an allotment – then one of our subscriptions to Kitchen Garden magazine is a must on two counts; firstly, it’ll keep you right up to to date with the latest developments in the veg patch and secondly, it’ll save you money – almost 25% on the issue price over the course of a year! With sections concentrating on allotment growing, organic gardening, seasonal recipes and news, along with informative articles from renowned garden writers such as Bob Flowerdew, Sue Stickland and multi RHS Chelsea gold medal winner Medwyn Williams, you’ll find the only problem could be turning the 100 feature packed pages will distract you from your gardening!
For more information on Grow Your Own Books and Magazines CLICK HERE
INSPIRATIONAL GARDENS Discover some of the most remarkable gardens in the world…
Creating Your Garden Farm by Nicki Trench
Creating Your Garden FarmHow to grow fruit and vegetables, and to raise…
The Water Garden
The Water Garden Leslie Geddes-Brown Price £29.95 Published: March 2008 Please CLICK…
Alan Titchmarsh Kitchen Gardener
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Creating Your Garden Farm by Nicki Trench
Creating Your Garden FarmHow to grow fruit and vegetables, and to raise…
Dream Gardens: 100 Inspirational Gardens
Dream Gardens: 100 Inspirational GardensTania Compton and Andrew Lawson £18.95 Paperback ISBN978-1-8589-4486-9…
First Time Gardener By Kim Wilde
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Garden Birds and Wildlife
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Gardeners Question Time
‘Full of advice that will keep things perky all year round’ –…
Grow Your Own Herbs in Pots
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Natural Garden Style: Gardening Inspired by Nature
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Seeds by Jekka Mc Vicar
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Success with Bamboos and Ornamental Grasses by Lucinda Costello
There are hundreds of types of bamboo and grasses available to the…
The FarmersMart
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The Water Garden
The Water Garden Leslie Geddes-Brown Price £29.95 Published: March 2008 Please CLICK…