With our own pear cider sitting merrily in the shed while we wait not-so-patiently to give it a taste; we can vouch for these fruit presses! If you’re harvesting your own fruit, or picking it from a kind neighbour – or even scouring the Freecycle ads for giveaways, – a fruit press is the easy way to get all the juice out of your pears, apples and other fruits. Whether you plan to make refreshing fresh juice, or something alcoholic, you’ll get the best results with the top-quality presses we have found, which should last you for many years to come.

Fruit Presses Crushers and Storage Boxes

all you need to harvest your fruit, press it or store it

Simply click on the one you are interested in for more information

To help you enjoy the thrill of grow your own (we are big fans ourselves), we’ve thought of everything you might need for your own vegetable or fruit garden, found the best suppliers and the best prices – so you can concentrate on the good stuff. Enjoy!

Fruit Cages Steel and Aluminium – CLICK HERE

Raised Beds and Planters – CLICK HERE

Garden Arches, Pergolas and Screens – CLICK HERE

Obelisks and Plant Supports – CLICK HERE

Greenhouses and Equipment – CLICK HERE

Vegetable PlantsCLICK HERE

Garden ToolsCLICK HERE

Watering – Garden Buts, Watering Cans – CLICK HERE

Composting – Tumblers, Compost BinsCLICK HERE

Garden Furniture – Southwold Collection – CLICK HERE

Garden Planters and Pots – CLICK HERE


Fruit Presses

Fruit Presses are now being used by many gardeners who have taken up the time-honoured tradition of fruit pressing and juicing – our prices start from only £229.95 for a 12 litre Fruit Press.

Produce delicious juice for instant drinking, cider-making, or freezing, with this great new range of crushers and attractive traditional fruit presses. Made from fashioned oak staves and steel hoops with a polyester-coated juicy-red steel frame, they are incredibly simple to use and come with a comprehensive instruction booklet to get you started.

We feature three fruit presses although you might also need Straining Bags, Fruit Crushers, Apple Racks and – don’t forget the ladder !

For latest prices and information CLICK HERE

Cross-Beam Fruit Press (12 litre) £234.95
This 12 litre Fruit Press allows you to produce up to 4.5 litres of freshly pressed juice in one operation. Fill the fruit press cage with an optional Straining Bag, (available separately) add your crushed fruit and then simply wind the handle to force the fresh, pure juice through the beech staves.

Cross-Beam Fruit Press (20 litres) £319.95
Produce up to 8 litres in one operation of freshly pressed apple juice with this tough, steel and beech constructed 20 Litre Cross-Beam Press. Operation is simple, fill the press cage with an optional Straining Bag, (available separately) add your crushed apples and wind the handle to force fresh, pure apple juice through the beech staves and into the collection tray. Each operation can crush approximately 18Kg/40lbs of milled apples and produce around 8 ltrs/14 pints of refreshing juice.

Cross-Beam Fruit Press (36 litres) £424.95
Produce up to 12 litres in one operation of freshly pressed apple juice with this tough, steel and beech constructed 36 Litre Cross-Beam Press. Operation is simple; fill the press cage with an optional Straining Bag, (available separately) add your crushed apples and wind the handle to force fresh, pure apple juice through the beech staves and into the collection tray. Each operation can crush approximately 29Kg/70lbs of milled apples and produce around 12 ltrs/22 pints of refreshing juice.

Straining Bags from £10.95
Machine washable Straining Bags for straining juice as fruit is pressed – for optional use with Fruit Presses

Fruit Crusher £199.95
This heavy-duty Fruit Crusher allows you to crush your fruit to the perfect consistency prior to pressing. Simply drop halved apples or pears into the stainless-steel hopper for blades to cut and rollers to crush as the cast-iron handle is turned. Suitable for use with all our fruit presses.

Stackable Apple Rack from £22.95
This stackable space-saving Apple Rack is designed specifically for storing apples for the winter – made from pine wood it provides a cool, frost-free environment to keep your apples in ideal condition for several weeks. See Extra Value Buy 4 and Save £13.


Traditional Orchard Ladder £96.95
Traditional Orchard Ladder – Pick apples, pears and other tree fruits easily and safely using this traditional solid beech fruit picker’s ladder, with a tapered shape and 3 legs it provides a very stable, sturdy and secure working platform. It makes accessing even the deepest recesses of each tree easy and is very handy too when you are pruning and spraying.


Traditional Apple Racks from £299.00
The chances are (and let’s hope so) that you won’t be able to consume all of your apple crop at harvesting time, so storage becomes of premier importance – and these Traditional Apple Racks offer a top class solution. They are manufactured from beech, and this pale hardwood is easily worked to create the robust frame and removable shelves, all designed to allow maximum airflow around the stored fruits – essential to maintain quality and flavour. Available in 10 drawer versions in beech, and 6 drawer version in pine. They contain the all important space between drawers for air to circulate and provide generous capacity.


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    Fruit Presses Crushers and Storage Boxes

    Fruit Presses 20 Litres

    • 4 years ago
    • The Gardening Website
    Fruit Presses Crushers and Storage Boxes

    Fruit Presses 12 Litre

    • 4 years ago
    • The Gardening Website
    Fruit Presses Crushers and Storage Boxes

    Fruit Presses 36 Litres

    • 4 years ago
    • The Gardening Website
    Fruit Presses Crushers and Storage Boxes

    Fruit Presses 12 Litre

    • 4 years ago
    • The Gardening Website
    Fruit Presses Crushers and Storage Boxes

    Fruit Presses 20 Litres

    • 4 years ago
    • The Gardening Website
    Fruit Presses Crushers and Storage Boxes

    Fruit Presses 36 Litres

    • 4 years ago
    • The Gardening Website